Caitlin B.


Caitlin assists lawyers and law firms with: 

  • Advice on Aboriginal Law matters, such as land claims, governance, impact benefit agreements, and litigation;
  • Drafting and reviewing negotiation documents and agreements, memoranda of understand, statements of claim , legislation and policy, and various litigation materials, including but not limited to, motion materials and actions;
  • Legal research and drafting: memos, opinions, pleadings, etc.;
  • Litigation support: trial and motion preparation, document review; 
  • Jurisprudence review and summaries;
  • Coordinating /managing legal projects;
  • Legal content marketing: blog posts, client newsletters,  legal articles, updating legal texts, and conference papers etc.


Caitlin articled at the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, conducting historical, archival, and legal research on various topics, such as land claims, the duty to consult, flooding, Métis, and Treaties, among others. She participated in land claim negotiations and community meetings, and provided litigation support. Once called to the Bar in Ontario, Caitlin moved to Yellowknife, Northwest Territories and worked as a senior legislative advisor, providing expert advice on federal, provincial, and territorial legislation and legal affairs relating to Aboriginal land claims and issues, parks and tourism, mining, access to information and privacy, and the arts.

Caitlin has also worked with a community legal clinic on Aboriginal family law, with the legal services branch of the Ministry of Education, providing legal advice to clients on Aboriginal law, the duty to consult, child care, education, administrative, and public law, as well as various Crown Offices, acting in the capacity of an Assistant Crown Attorney – running bail hearings, plea court, and criminal trials.

Caitlin began her freelance legal practice in January 2017, with establishing her own firm, and has assisted lawyers and firms with their legal research, writing, litigation support, and negotiation support since this time. Caitlin is a member of the Law Society of Ontario, the Law Society of the Northwest Territories, the Ontario Bar Association, the Simcoe County Law Association, and the Advocates Society.