Flex Blog

Where lawyers can read about wellbeing, alternative ways to practice law, and other legal news ​

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Lawyers: How to Get Paid!
If you’ve been a lawyer for any length of time, you’ve likely had a client or two (or more) that have questioned or refused to pay your invoice. Sometimes it feels like it’s just the cost of doing business as a lawyer, BUT it doesn’t have to be. There are several steps you can take to increase your chances...
​Why Hiring A Freelance Lawyer is a Stress-Free & Affordable Way for Lawyers to Get More Done
It’s one of those days. It’s 6:30pm, you’ve worked all day, and you have not checked off one single item on your already too long “To-Do List”. Where did the day go? It was filled with “stuff” preventing you from finishing what needs to be finished. You know you need help, but you do not want the headache...
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Should Lawyers Charge an Initial Consultation Fee?
Want to spark an interesting debate among lawyers? Just ask lawyers if they think initial consultations with potential clients should be free or not. There seems to be no consensus. We can only conclude that there is no right answer (other than the answer lawyers love to give: “It depends.”) There...
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"Two New Supreme Court of Canada Cases Examine Judicial Independence, Cabinet Confidentiality, and More" by Ainslie Pierrynowski
Two recent Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) decisions offer a new look into the relationship between the courts and the other branches of government. While these decisions dealt with judges’ salaries, they offer several interesting takeaways for the legal community as a whole. Background and Procedural...
"Secrets of Success: Starting Your Own Law Firm" featuring Darielle Teitelbaum
Today’s profile features lawyer, fitness instructor, and entrepreneur, Darielle Teitelbaum. Darielle has created a truly unique and creative law firm: 1. Tell me a little about your law firm/practice. AWE Legal is a business law firm focused on Athletes/Artists, Wellness Professionals...